oxidative stress

3 Simple Lessons, Why We Practice, and the Most Important Determinant

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Reading Time: 1 min 57 sec

I hope the next 30ish breaths are the most nourishing of your day.


1. Breathing Exercises Reduce Oxidative Stress: 2023 Meta-Analysis

“Breathing exercises can improve the main biological indicators of OS [oxidative stress] toward the direction of antioxidation and improve the OS state by increasing the levels of antioxidants and reducing those of oxidative markers.”

– Li et al. (2023), Frontiers in Medicine

This 2023 meta-analysis examined 10 studies, finding that breathing exercises of all kinds (fast, slow, inspiratory muscle training, and so on) significantly reduce biomarkers of oxidative stress. Breath practices also increase the body’s antioxidant capacity, which may benefit both healthy and disease states 👏

2. The Most Important Determinant & the Mother of Mindfulness

Ellen Langer, Ph.D., put the word mindfulness on the map in western psychology (she’s even referred to as the “mother of mindfulness”).

I’m reading her latest book (she’s one of my favorite authors), The Mindful Body, and I felt obliged to share this passage because it’s so good. Enjoy:

“But my use of the word “mindfulness” also, importantly, refers to a condition of the body. Indeed, I believe our psychology may be the most important determinant of our health. I’m not just speaking of harmony between mind and body. I believe the mind and body comprise a single system, and every change in the human being is essentially simultaneously a change at the level of the mind (that is, a cognitive change) as well as the body (a hormonal, neural, and/or behavioral change). When we open our minds to this idea of mind-body unity, new possibilities for controlling our health become real.” (my emphasis)

3. Three Simple Lessons about Breathing

  1. The best morning breathing exercise is a good night’s sleep.

  2. The best healing breathing exercise is a good dose of laughter.

  3. And the best time of day for breathing exercises is always right now.

4. Experiencing Wholeness: Why We Practice

“Through ongoing practice, we can come to live in a more integrated way from day to day and from moment to moment, in touch with our own wholeness and connectedness and aware of our interconnectedness with others, with the larger world in which we find ourselves, and with life itself. Feeling whole, even for brief moments, nourishes us on a deep level.”

– Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D, Full Catastrophe Living

That’s why we practice: it brings us wholeness. And even if we only experience wholeness briefly, it still “nourishes us on a deep level” 🙏

1 Quote

The silence around us may contain a lot, but the most interesting kind of silence is the one that lies within. A silence which each of us must create.”
— Erling Kagge

1 Answer

Category: Breathing 101

Answer: This is the clinical name for shortness of breath.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is dyspnea?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. how to make parties more interesting

iCalm for Focused Relaxation

If you haven’t already, try iCalm, an awesome product made by a mindful and loving company (use discount code NICK20 for 20% off).

* An asterisk by a quote indicates that I listened to this book on Audible. Therefore, the quotation might not be correct, but is my best attempt at reproducing the punctuation based on the narrator’s pace, tone, and pauses.


My New Favorite Therapy, Self Love, and Your Breathing Headphones

Listen Instead of Reading

If you enjoy listening, you can subscribe to the audio version on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Audible so you don’t even have to look at the email 😊

4 Thoughts

1. Reading Can Produce Healing (my new favorite word & therapy)

“Bibliotherapy is based on the assumption that the simple act of reading can produce healing of various health conditions, including depression. The definition of bibliotherapy has broadened over the years to include using any type of reading material that is uplifting or emotionally sustaining.”

 - Herbert Benson, MD, Relaxation Revolution


As someone obsessed with reading, bibliotherapy might be my new favorite word and therapy : ) However, I’ve always thought that reading alone is not enough; we must also act. 

Maybe I’m wrong…

As Dr. Benson says, one study found “Therapeutic reading ranked toward the top of the interventions, along with CBT and supportive-expressive groups, as a highly effective method of decreasing depressive symptoms.” <— 🤯

I hope these 411s serve as bibliotherapy for you 🙏

2. The Relaxation Response for Stress-Related Diseases

“Taken together, the RR has been shown to be an appropriate and relevant therapeutic tool to counteract several stress-related disease processes and certain health restrictions, particularly in immunological, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative diseases/mental disorders.”

Esch et al. (2003)

This study found that regularly eliciting the relaxation response can counter the adverse effects of stress and serve as a free therapeutic tool in many chronic diseases, especially immunological, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative/mental disorders.

Want to use it in your life? Here’s a short video showing you how.


P.S. If you want to use the relaxation response to conquer stress, check out the latest Science 411 on this paper or the new Book 411 on Relaxation Revolution, released this past Friday.

3. Breathing as Spiritual Headphones

Breathing exercises are like spiritual headphones: You can tune in, not bother anyone, and no one will ever know what you’re “listening” to.

4. Breathing is Self-Love, a Pre-Requisite for Loving Others

Last week, we learned that high vagal tone = high loving potential; thus, slow breathing increases our loving potential.

But the key word there is “potential:”

“While these activities do not directly create positivity resonance, they can set the table for an eventual feast of love. … They condition your mind, heart, eyes, and ears to be more prepared for positivity resonance when true connections become possible.

- Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D., Love 2.0

So, we might say that a daily breathing practice is self-love, which prepares your heart and mind to love others.

1 Quote

We must meet hate with love. We must meet physical force with soul force.”
— Martin Luther King, Jr.

1 Answer

Category: Stress

Answer: When free radical production exceeds antioxidant defenses, it creates this kind of stress.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is oxidative stress?

P.S. The relaxation response helps counter this stress, too.

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. I’ve been really missing my friends

* An asterisk by a quote indicates that I listened to this book on Audible. Therefore, the quotation might not be correct, but is my best attempt at reproducing the punctuation based on the narrator’s pace, tone, and pauses.

Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


Ujjayi isn’t Ocean, Well-Being, and Why You Should Teach “Brooklyn” Yoga


Listen Instead of Reading


This week, you’re going to learn:

  • That Ujjayi and Ocean breathing are different,

  • How to breathe for inflammation, and

  • A story I listened and laughed at more times than I’m proud to admit…

I hope you enjoy it!



4 Thoughts

1. Ujjayi vs. Ocean Breathing (turns out they’re different)

Ujjayi pranayama, which is performed by lightly tightening the glottis and breathing with a whispering sound and then exhaling out of either the left or right nostril, stimulates the vagus through massaging the larynx and downregulating the sympathetic nervous system. … Ocean breath is sometimes used synonymously with ujjayi, but the two are separate practices.

- Eddie Stern, One Simple Thing

I thought Ujjayi and Ocean breathing were the same thing. So, I found this passage fascinating (especially that Ujjayi uses an exhale through one nostril). I messaged Eddie about it, and he kindly responded with even more value.

He added that, for Ocean breathing, “the sound is made not so much by the tightening of the glottis, but by creating a continuum of pressure from the high nasal cavity, through the throat, into the thorax.

That means there are two key differences between Ujjayi and Ocean breathing:

  • Ujjayi: sound comes from the glottis, and the exhale is through only one nostril.

  • Ocean: sound comes from the nose to thorax, and the exhale is through both nostrils.

My favorite part about breathing is continuously learning that I have so much more to learn : ) Thanks, Eddie!


Related: Hatha Yoga Pradipika (#51-53)

Related: My Conversation with Eddie on All Things Breathing

Related Quote:The surest way to prevent yourself from learning a topic is to believe you already know it.” - James Clear

2. Slow Breathing for Oxidative Stress and Inflammation

Diabetes and its associated blood sugar fluctuations lead to chronic oxidative stress and inflammation. What can slow deep breathing do?

  • JACM (2011):Diaphragmatic breathing, likely through the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system…reduces reactive oxygen species production.

  • Nature (2017):…our results lead to the hypothesis that slow breathing may exert some antioxidant effect, possibly via parasympathetic stimulation.

  • PLOS One (2013):RR [relaxation response] practice…reduced expression of genes linked to inflammatory response and stress-related pathways.

Taken together, these results suggest that slow breathing could be a simple and effective way to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in diabetes. 

But you don’t need diabetes to benefit. These two complications are present in many acute and chronic conditions, so the above results will help everyone.

3. “Why Your Breath is Connected to Your Well-Being”

As deep breaths slow your heart rate, for example, your vagus nerve recognizes the cues of safety and sends that information to parts of the body so they can turn off their defenses, such as those that arise from a sense of anxiety or threat.

- Why Your Breath is Connected to Your Well-Being

This is an awesome little article on breathing and well-being, focusing mainly on the vagus nerve.

You will learn how vagal tone is connected with social situations, how compassion can increase respiratory sinus arrhythmia (a marker of vagal activity), and 4 simple ways to calm your whole body.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

4. Why You Should Start Teaching “Brooklyn” Yoga

One new meditator kept coming to interviews with a chronic lament: ‘The breath is so boring!’

Finally, I asked him if he'd ever heard of Brooklyn yoga? He said no. I told him to close his mouth tight and close off both nostrils with his fingers. We sat that way for some time until finally he let go of his nose and gasped for air.

‘Was that breath boring?’, I said.

- Larry Rosenberg, Breath by Breath

I must have listened to this story about 10 times in a row and laughed more with each one. It brilliantly captures the importance of breathing—no science or technical jargon needed.

So if anyone tells you breathing is boring, doesn’t work, or is pseudo-science, teach them a little “Brooklyn” yoga—you might just change their mind : )


P.S. When I ran in and told my wife the story (yes, I was excited, lol), she didn’t get the “Brooklyn” part. Neither do I, but I think that’s the point : )

Related: Is Breathing Woo-Woo? (Thought #4)



1 Quote

“If one wants longevity, one should let the spirit and the breath pour into each other.”

–Tao Tsang

Translation from The Primordial Breath



1 Answer

Category: Vagus Nerve Function

Answer: Activation of the vagus nerve releases this chemical, which stimulates muscle contractions in the parasympathetic nervous system and slows the heart rate.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is acetylcholine?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. No I don’t “meditate”


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


The Lesser-Known Benefits of Nasal Breathing, Designed for Diabetes


As a person with type 1 diabetes, my experience with nasal breathing has been nothing short of miraculous.  It's been such a simple change, yet its impacts on my energy and blood sugars have been profound. I feel it would be irresponsible not to share it with other people with diabetes.

Luckily, people much brighter than me have become fascinated by the nose too.  Whole books have now been written on the topic.  It has been featured in popular sources such as Outside Magazine and the Cleveland Clinic.  An article published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience even concluded that “nasal stimulation represents the fundamental link between slow breathing techniques, brain and autonomic activities and psychological/behavioral outputs.”

But after several years of research, I have come to realize that the reasons nose breathing is so helpful for diabetes go far beyond the “obvious ones.” 

Of course, the usual suspects are essential, such as the warming and humidifying of the incoming air and the natural slowing of the breath.  But to fully understand the benefits for diabetes requires a synthesis of research from different fields, such as diabetic complications, the metabolites of nitric oxide, chronic stress, and sleep.

Let’s start with diabetic complications.

Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Reduce Blood Flow

Over time, the oxidative stress and chronic inflammation associated with diabetes can damage blood vessels, resulting in poor circulation

Less blood flow means that less oxygen reaches the cells, tissues, and organs

As a result of this poor circulation (and other complications), people with diabetes have an increased incidence of retinopathy, kidney disease, and foot problems.

Nose breathing—specifically inhaling through the nose—immediately helps with this.  For example, one small study showed that just five minutes of inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth increased tissue oxygenation by 10%.  This increase was due to nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide is continuously produced in the paranasal sinuses.  When you breathe in through your nose, nitric oxide is carried into the lungs, where it opens up the blood vessels and improves blood flow in the lungs.  This results in better gas exchange and better blood oxygenation.

But that’s only the beginning of NO’s benefits.

How Nitric Oxide Helps with Blood Flow and Oxygenation

Typically, the nitric oxide produced in your nose is treated separately from the nitric oxide produced throughout the rest of your body.  Although it is known that that inhaling nitric oxide has effects outside of the lungs, scientists have not known how. Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic have recently shed light on the issue.

In a 2019 study, they did something simple yet meaningful.  The researchers had participants inhale extra nitric oxide, and they measured what happened in the blood afterward.  If nitric oxide’s journey ended in the lungs, they wouldn’t see any signs of it in distant blood samples.

The results showed the opposite

They found that inhaling nitric oxide significantly increased circulating levels of a specific form of the molecule, SNO-Hb.  These findings matter because, in a separate study published in PNAS in 2015, a different group of researchers found that SNO-Hb played an essential role in whole-body oxygenation.  Without it, mice received less blood flow to the heart and even had smaller litter sizes.

Why This is Important to Diabetes

The complications of diabetes also impact nitric oxide.  Sustained high blood sugars alter how hemoglobin stores nitric oxide. 

The end result is that people with diabetes generally have less SNO-Hb

And, as we just learned, SNO-Hb is critical to blood flow and tissue oxygenation. 

So, putting it all together:

  • People with diabetes suffer from poor circulation and insufficient oxygen.

  • Our noses are a source of nitric oxide—breathing through our nose utilizes it.

  • Inhaling nitric oxide increases an essential form of NO called SNO-Hb.

  • SNO-Hb is critical to improving blood flow and increasing whole-body oxygenation.

Therefore, nose breathing could be especially helpful in diabetes by maintaining normal SNO-Hb levels and hence helping improve blood flow and oxygenation throughout the body.*  Mouth breathing would not provide these benefits.

How High Blood Sugars Reduce Oxygen Delivery

In addition to altering how nitric oxide is stored, high blood sugar also modifies the relationship between oxygen and hemoglobin.  Specifically, it tightens the bond between them.

As a result, less oxygen can be delivered to the places it is needed.  (For the breathing nerds out there, it causes a left shift in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve.)  This problem might be further exacerbated by stress.

Chronic Stress and Carbon Dioxide Alter Oxygen Availability

Diabetes also causes chronic stress—a less intense but sustained fight or flight stress response.  This stress causes people with diabetes to have anywhere from 14% to 20% more cases of anxiety than those without it.  Moreover, it has been reported that up to 40% of the diabetic population show symptoms of anxiety.  A 2013 meta-analysis, including over 12,000 people with diabetes, also found significant associations between diabetes and an increased probability of anxiety disorder or anxiety symptoms.

Chronic stress and anxiety, such as that experienced in diabetes, are often associated with overbreathing.  Overbreathing, or hyperventilation, simply refers to breathing more than your metabolic demands at any given moment, and is often associated with mouth breathing. Consequently, the body gets rid of too much carbon dioxide, which alters the pH of the blood.

This has a similar effect on oxygen and hemoglobin as high blood sugar. 

That is, it tightens the bond between them, reducing the amount of oxygen that can be delivered to the cells and tissues (this is known as the Bohr effect).

Together, we see that the high blood sugar and chronic stress associated with diabetes combine to reduce oxygen availability to the cells and tissues.

When we switch to nose breathing, the volume of each breath is naturally reduced.  This helps normalize carbon dioxide levels and restore blood pH to normal levels, which will improve oxygen delivery.** 

Combining this with the earlier discussion on nitric oxide, we see how this one simple change (nose breathing) helps offset some diabetic complications.

Nose Breathing, Sleep, and Diabetes: The Missing Link to Better Blood Sugar Control

If we breathe nasally during sleep, all of the benefits of nose breathing continue throughout the night. Of all the things nose breathing helps with, this might be the most critical for diabetes.

We have already discussed that diabetes causes chronic stress, which can lead to more rapid breathing.  Nose breathing helps naturally slow down the breath.  This will help you shift from a stressful sympathetic state to a calming parasympathetic state.  This shift is significant for people with diabetes who exhibit less parasympathetic tone at night than non-diabetics.  Thus, nasal breathing at night helps us increase parasympathetic tone and enjoy better sleep.

Receptors in your nose also act to maintain rhythmic breathing during sleep.  This might help explain why nose breathing reduces the risk of obstructive sleep apnea when compared to mouth breathing.  Diabetes is associated with a significantly increased risk of obstructive sleep apnea. So, if nasal breathing at night can help reduce this risk, it could be especially beneficial.

Lastly, we know that inadequate sleep causes insulin resistance.  By getting deeper, more restorative sleep, insulin sensitivity can be improved.  This could potentially lead to better morning blood sugars (that was my experience), setting you up for a better day of glucose control.

The More Subjective but Most Important Benefit of Nasal Breathing for Diabetes

Altogether, nasal breathing increases blood flow, improves tissue oxygenation, and appears to increase an essential form of bioactive nitric oxide that people with diabetes have less of.  It also improves sleep quality by helping us flip to a more calming state and by reducing the incidence of sleep apnea.  This can help improve insulin sensitivity.

When we combine all of these together, nasal breathing's net benefit can be simply stated as:

It gives you more energy. 

And it’s harder to objectively measure, but perhaps the best aspect of increased energy levels is more motivation to take care of your blood sugars. 

Diabetes is an exhausting full-time job that can lead to physical and emotional burnout.  Having more energy and enthusiasm to manage the disease could be the most valuable aspect of something as simple as breathing through your nose.


*The levels of NO inhaled in the 2019 Cleveland Clinic study were greater than those produced in the nose.  But, the study validated that there is a mechanism by which NO that is introduced into the lungs can be transported throughout the body as SNO-Hb.  Thus, nasal breathing would only act to bring SNO-Hb up to normal physiological levels, whereas mouth breathing would rob the body of this important physiological process.

**This discussion is centered around the regular blood sugar fluctuations associated with diabetes and not diabetic ketoacidosis.


Oxidative Stress and Civilized vs. Wild Breathing


Listen to this Post as a 5-min Podcast:


"You cannot breathe your way out of a Big Mac."

But apparently, slow breathing might help it taste better (see #3 below).

Ok, let’s get to it. Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer for the week. Enjoy!




1. Is There Really “Dysfunctional” Breathing?

"Breathing is one of the body’s critical functions.  When its fundamental processes break down, the body will compensate, calling on structures such as the core muscles to help maintain respiration."

– Patrick McKeown, The Breathing Cure (pg. 152)

Breathing is the body’s most critical function. So as Patrick tells us, even if we do it incorrectly, the body will compensate by activating whatever muscles are needed to keep it going. Breathing takes precedence over everything.

So, we might say that breathing will always remain "functional" in that it will always do its main task of keeping us alive. But, it might be severely inefficient.

Thus, "dysfunctional" breathing is really just inefficient breathing.

This gives us two options. We can develop optimal breathing, which uses the nose and activates the diaphragm. Or, we can ignore our breathing and let the body compensate on its own, usually in ways that are detrimental to our health.

I say we choose option 1.

2. Diabetes, Oxidative Stress, and Slow Breathing

High blood sugars generate free radicals. These excess free radicals deplete antioxidants and ultimately cause oxidative stress. This negative feedback loop has been described as the "single unifying mechanism for diabetic complications."

To combat this, people with diabetes would ideally find a way to both reduce free radical production and increase antioxidant defenses. Slow breathing provides a natural and effective method of doing just this.

For example, slow diaphragmatic breathing reduces post-meal oxidative stress. It also reduces oxidative stress associated with intense, long-duration exercise. The hallmark paper on slow breathing & diabetes published in Nature even said:

"…our results lead to the hypothesis that slow breathing may exert some antioxidant effect, possibly via parasympathetic stimulation."

Taken together, slow breathing appears to be a simple and effective way to help with oxidative stress in diabetes. Quite amazing.

3. Apparently Slow Breathing Makes Food Taste Better

"Smooth, relatively slow breathing maximises delivery of the particles to the nose. Food smells and tastes better if you take your time."

- Vice, Apparently Slow Breathing
Makes Food Taste Better

This was a fun read from Vice. At first, I thought it seemed a bit silly. But the study was originally published in PNAS, so maybe there’s something to it?

If we pair this advice with Ch. 7 of Breath, we might say that to enjoy a meal, breathe slowly and chew more. I’m constantly working on the chew more part…


4. Take the Nose, Take the Life

"Ancient Egyptian cultures also recognized the importance of the breath, the evidence of which we see today in the many ancient statues that had their noses broken off but otherwise were left untouched. This defacement was no accident, but a deliberate act by conquering groups to take the life, in this case the breath of life, away from these icons."

- Michael J. Stephen, MD, Breath Taking

This is on the first page of the book. Although Dr. Stephen never mentions the power of the nose again, it’s a rather remarkable statement that emphasizes just how important the breath (and nose) were to ancient cultures.

Related: The Warren Buffets of Nose Breathing (Thought #2 )




"Civilized man may properly be said to be an open mouthed animal; a wild man is not."

- George Catlin, The Breath of Life (1864)




(This one blows my mind…)

Answer: The inner surface of this organ has as many hair follicles as your head.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is your nose?

In good breath,

P.S. He was the dog.


Oxygen and The Most Effective Antioxidant


Most of my friends make fun of my bedtime (7:45 or 8:00 p.m.). In thought #4, you’ll learn how I’m trying to change that, at least until November…

With that said, here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer for the week.





1. Grow and Multiply Your Breathing Practice

"When it comes to the process of scaling habits, there are two general categories: habits that grow and habits that multiply."

- BJ Fogg, Tiny Habits

Some habits might grow organically: flossing one tooth might grow into every tooth. Others might not: eating an avocado a day might be enough. But, this might multiply into using olive oil instead of a sugary dressing at lunch.

With breathing, it usually grows first.

You might start with just two minutes. This might grow into 5, 15, or 30+ minutes a day. Then at some point, you will naturally find the right growth limit for you.

Then it multiplies.

By creating a breathing practice that makes you feel good, you might begin eating healthier, exercising more, and sleeping better. You might also multiply your breathing practice by incorporating it into other areas of your life—like breath walking or nose breathing during exercise.

But it always happens in a way that’s right for you.

Luckily, there is no one right way to do this. Breathing can be (and is) applied in all domains of life. The best part is watching it grow and multiply in whatever way is right for you on your way to becoming the person you want to be.

2. The Most Effective (and biggest) Antioxidant

"In this regard, we can reasonably view the gigantism discussed in Chapter 5 as an antioxidant response. The increase in body size compensates for the higher external oxygen levels."

- Nick Lane, Oxygen

Oxidative stress is a major issue for people with diabetes. So, discussions on antioxidants always interest me. This one was somewhat crazy, though.

To start, Nick Lane argues that, if we flip our perspective, our circulatory system can be seen as a way of limiting oxygen delivery:

"Our elegant circulatory system, which is usually presented as a means of distributing oxygen to individual cells, can be seen equally as a means of restricting, or at least regulating, oxygen delivery to the correct amount."

His argument is supported by the fact that our cells and mitochondria function best at an oxygen "concentration of less than 0.3% of atmospheric oxygen." Thus, our bodies and circulatory system act to reduce atmospheric oxygen by ~99.7%.

Stated differently, our bodies essentially work as giant antioxidants.

"The development of multicellular organisms can even be considered an antioxidant response, which has the effect of lowering oxygen levels inside individual cells."

He even provides historical evidence that as oxygen levels rise, some species get bigger (hence the headline quote on gigantism). But they don’t get bigger because there is more oxygen for energy; they get bigger to protect them from it.

My mind hurts now too.

But the point is that our bodies were perfectly designed to deliver the right amount of oxygen to the cells—not too much, not too little. Problems arise when we disrupt that beautiful balance.

3. Slow Breathing Enhances Decision-Making

"The 5-2-7 pattern breathing exercise improved decision-making performance and prevented stress under overwhelming psychological pressure."

- Inc. This 2-Minute Breathing Exercise Can Help You Make Better Decisions, According to a New Study

Here is an excellent article from Inc. on how slow breathing can help you make better decisions (based off a 2019 study).

I especially appreciated the practical advice they provided on how you might apply these findings in real life in the "Putting it into practice" section. Enjoy!

4. American Academy of Sleep and Multiplying Habits

"It is, therefore, the position of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine that these seasonal time changes should be abolished in favor of a fixed, national, year-round standard time."

- Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine

Because nasal breathing at night changed my life, I am fascinated with sleep. So I take statements like this from sleep experts quite seriously. But it’s one thing to read an article and get inspired; it’s another to take action.

So this year, I have decided to try ignoring Daylight Savings Time.

This is something I can try in my life. My job allows me to come in later and stay later. And our daughter will be happy to have her sleep schedule unchanged.

I hope you’ll join me.

Not with the time change, but with whatever is firing you up these days. Here’s to multiplying our habits on our way to becoming the people we want to be.

P.S. My bedtime will now be a more reasonable 8:45 or 9:00 p.m. : )




"Man was created of the Earth, and lives by virtue of the air; for there is in the air a secret food of life…whose invisible congealed spirit is better than the whole earth."

- Michael Sendivogius (1604)




Answer: Although considered the "elixir of life," this gas was not discovered until the 1770s.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is oxygen?

In good breath,

P.S. Fitness is my passion.


On Recovering Better and Setting A Breathing Budget


Welcome back to another issue of The Breathing 411. Here are 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer to end November with.




1. You Already Work Hard Enough—Recover Harder

"The problem in today’s corporate world, as well as in many other realms, is not hard work; the problem is insufficient recovery."

- Tal Ben-Shahar

We all work hard enough. That’s likely not the problem. In fact, it’s probably the opposite: We need to be focusing on recovery so we can continue to work hard.

One excellent way to do this is with diaphragmatic breathing.

For example, imagine taking a group of 16 endurance cyclists and having them see how far they can go in 8 hours. Then, you split them into two groups. One group performs 1 hour of diaphragmatic breathing post-event. The other group reads quietly. That’s what a study published back in 2011 did.

The outcome: The diaphragmatic breathing group showed reduced oxidative stress, reduced cortisol, increased antioxidant potential, and increased melatonin.

That is, they recovered better.

If diaphragmatic breathing reduces these stress markers in this extreme case, it seems like it would be even more useful for recovering from chronic, everyday work stress. Recover better, work better.

2. How Do You Budget Your Breathing?

"Don’t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I’ll tell you what they are."

- James W. Frick

The same can be said for your breathing. Where you spend your breath, and thus your energy, shows what your physiological priorities are. But, like money, you can set your own priorities by setting a breathing budget.

For example, suppose you would like to try out a new method that involves mouth breathing, but you also recognize the hazards of chronic mouth breathing. In that case, you might budget a small portion of breaths for that activity. Then, save the rest (especially sleep) for nasal breathing.

You can apply this idea to any technique. Make light nasal breathing the foundation of your budget (like paying your rent or mortgage) and spend your leftover "disposable breathing income" on new methods that interest you.

3. How Deep Breathing Opens Up the ADHD Brain

"So Ethan’s mother, who had used coherent breathing to calm her own anxiety, taught him how to do it. His overall behavior improved in four or five weeks, and he fell asleep without difficulty." - ADDitude Magazine

This topic is way outside my jurisdiction. But, reading this article was both inspiring and humbling as I reflected on how important this "breathing" stuff is.

I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks to great friend, and new 411 reader, S.S. for sending me this article.

4. Intermittent Hypoxia Improves Immune System Function

"These responses…may serve to augment the body’s immune defenses without exacerbating inflammation."

Serebrovskaya et al. 2011, High Altitude Medicine and Biology

This paper published in 2011 found that intermittent hypoxia (IH) enhances the body’s innate immune system, increases its ability to fight infection, and had a net anti-inflammatory effect.

Although IH and breath holds are not technically the same, we can experience IH using breath holds. Thus, research like this suggests, but doesn’t prove, that breath holds might help us fight illnesses (when done safely, of course).




"It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."

- James Thurber




Answer: The Earth has ~3.1 trillion of these organisms (or ~400 per person) that help us breathe.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What are trees?

That link has a neat video of the Earth "breathing," if you’re interested.

In good breath,

P.S. "omg GO ON"


I'm Rucking 100 Miles + Diaphragmatic Breathing Improves HbA1c



I’m Rucking 100 Miles for Chronic Disease

On Leap Day, February 29th, I’m going to ruck 100 miles to raise money for the Health and Human Performance Foundation (HHPF).

If you’ve been following me for a little while, you know I’m a huge fan of their mission. They are an amazing nonprofit raising awareness around the benefits of breathing for chronic disease, stress, and anxiety.

Given the impacts breathing has had on my life, I wanted support their cause. What better way than a ridiculously long walk?

I am wearing a weighted rucksack to symbolize the extra weight we carry around as those living with chronic disease. Yet, despite that weight, we can still accomplish anything. In fact, that weight makes us stronger. I wholeheartedly believe diabetes has made stronger.

We are setting up a donations page on HHPF, which I’ll be sending out separately. If you feel so inspired, donate to help support their great mission. And please support me by telling others, sharing our posts on Instagram, and spreading the word about HHPF.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Now, on to the science.



Last week, we learned that diaphragmatic breathing improved HRV and lowered HbA1c. This week’s research reveals that it also improves antioxidant status in type 2 diabetics.

Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercise as a Therapeutic Intervention for Control of Oxidative Stress in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

(Read the Full Summary)

This is one of the early papers I posted to The Breathing Diabetic. I often go back through important papers to reinforce the ideas and see if I notice new things I missed before.

This one did not disappoint. Just re-reading all of my notes on this one energized me (image below). I’m fascinated with breathing, but sometimes I need a paper like this to remind me how important it is to get this research out.

The Breathing Protocol

One hundred and twenty three type-2 diabetics participated in this study. Sixty were placed in the diaphragmatic breathing group, and 63 served as controls.

The participants were instructed to lie down, place one hand on their chest, one hand on their belly, and breathe deeply and slowly, only allowing the hand on their belly to move.

This protocol is almost identical to the Oxygen Advantage “Breathe Light Advanced” exercise.

They were asked to perform this procedure for 15-20 minutes, twice a day, for 3 months.

Breathing Improves Oxidative Stress and HbA1c

At the end of the 3 months, participants in the breathing group had significantly lowered their oxidative stress by increasing antioxidant levels.

Additionally, they decreased their HbA1c by 3%. Now, this isn’t 3% as in dropping from 9% down to 6% (like last week’s study). This was 3% of their original value. Not quite as significant, but still encouraging. And, remember the study from last week didn’t see major improvements in HbA1c until the 12 month follow-up.

In short, diaphragmatic breathing led to:

  • Decreased oxidative stress

  • Better blood sugars

In good breath,

P.S. Here’s the first page of my notes on this article. I was clearly excited the first time I read it too.
