
The 5 Exhales, Spirit, and How One Word Makes Breath Holds Easier


Listen Instead of Reading


4 Thoughts

1. The 5 Exhales of Slow Breathing

Here are 5 different exhales you can try during your slow breathing practice. Give them a shot and see which one brings you the most relaxation.

  1. Nasal exhale

  2. Audible pursed-lips (like blowing out birthday candles)

  3. Barely audible pursed-lips (like blowing on hot soup)

  4. Ujjayi

  5. Humming

I do a mix of these depending on how I’m feeling, but my defaults are 1 and 3.

2. How Changing One Word Makes Breath Holds Easier

Instead of saying “hold” your breath, use (or think) the word “pause.”

Holding implies tension and effort. Pausing is natural and effortless.

It’s a subtle change, but it can make a significant difference.


P.S. This idea was inspired by Eddie Stern’s Pranayama Week. He used the word “pause” instead of hold several times, and I found it brilliant.

3. Why Mindless Breathing is Good, Part II

We now know that somewhere between 40% and 80% of what we do is done automatically … This is the exact strategy the brain uses to conserve energy, but especially if we've got the wrong habits, it can wreak havoc on our lives.

- Steven Kotler, The Art of Impossible

Coming back to last week’s thought on mindless breathing, here’s another way of looking at it: 40-80%(!) of what we do is automatic. And with breathing, it’s probably 96-99%, depending on how much you practice.

But this isn’t a bad thing—it’s actually a blessing we can put to good use.

If we’re diligent and consistent with our precious gift of breath control, a mindful 1-4% investment can pay dividends on the other unmindful 96+%.

Which comes back to the main point: The goal of mindful breathing is to improve our mindless breathing.

4. A Beautiful Message and NOSEvember

Breathwork is life changing. Whether reducing stress, controlling or eliminating disease symptoms, improving sleep, or even being a better person at work and at home. I truly believe that the breath is the key to unlocking our bodies abilities to heal themselves and perform at optimal capacity.

- Dr. Tanya Bentley, HHPF Co-Founder & CEO

A beautiful message from a beautiful human being. Check out NOSEvember and consider supporting HHPF’s phenomenal mission. 🙏


Extra Thought (minus the bi-annual rant)

We just had another time change. I’ll spare you my normal rant on how almost every sleep scientist on the planet thinks it’s awful to change the time twice a year. But alas, we still do it : )

And if you’ve read this a while, you know I decided to ignore the time change when we “sprung forward” in March (be the change you want to see style). I loved it, and I plan on doing the same again with this one, if life allows…



“It means that breath is the root of the essence and of the soul, the life source and the ruler of the spirit.”

- The Primordial Breath, Volume I




Category: Exhalation and Nasal Nitric Oxide

Answer: This exhalation technique can increase nasal nitric oxide by as much as 15-fold.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is humming?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. The true test of longevity


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


Ujjayi isn’t Ocean, Well-Being, and Why You Should Teach “Brooklyn” Yoga


Listen Instead of Reading


This week, you’re going to learn:

  • That Ujjayi and Ocean breathing are different,

  • How to breathe for inflammation, and

  • A story I listened and laughed at more times than I’m proud to admit…

I hope you enjoy it!



4 Thoughts

1. Ujjayi vs. Ocean Breathing (turns out they’re different)

Ujjayi pranayama, which is performed by lightly tightening the glottis and breathing with a whispering sound and then exhaling out of either the left or right nostril, stimulates the vagus through massaging the larynx and downregulating the sympathetic nervous system. … Ocean breath is sometimes used synonymously with ujjayi, but the two are separate practices.

- Eddie Stern, One Simple Thing

I thought Ujjayi and Ocean breathing were the same thing. So, I found this passage fascinating (especially that Ujjayi uses an exhale through one nostril). I messaged Eddie about it, and he kindly responded with even more value.

He added that, for Ocean breathing, “the sound is made not so much by the tightening of the glottis, but by creating a continuum of pressure from the high nasal cavity, through the throat, into the thorax.

That means there are two key differences between Ujjayi and Ocean breathing:

  • Ujjayi: sound comes from the glottis, and the exhale is through only one nostril.

  • Ocean: sound comes from the nose to thorax, and the exhale is through both nostrils.

My favorite part about breathing is continuously learning that I have so much more to learn : ) Thanks, Eddie!


Related: Hatha Yoga Pradipika (#51-53)

Related: My Conversation with Eddie on All Things Breathing

Related Quote:The surest way to prevent yourself from learning a topic is to believe you already know it.” - James Clear

2. Slow Breathing for Oxidative Stress and Inflammation

Diabetes and its associated blood sugar fluctuations lead to chronic oxidative stress and inflammation. What can slow deep breathing do?

  • JACM (2011):Diaphragmatic breathing, likely through the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system…reduces reactive oxygen species production.

  • Nature (2017):…our results lead to the hypothesis that slow breathing may exert some antioxidant effect, possibly via parasympathetic stimulation.

  • PLOS One (2013):RR [relaxation response] practice…reduced expression of genes linked to inflammatory response and stress-related pathways.

Taken together, these results suggest that slow breathing could be a simple and effective way to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in diabetes. 

But you don’t need diabetes to benefit. These two complications are present in many acute and chronic conditions, so the above results will help everyone.

3. “Why Your Breath is Connected to Your Well-Being”

As deep breaths slow your heart rate, for example, your vagus nerve recognizes the cues of safety and sends that information to parts of the body so they can turn off their defenses, such as those that arise from a sense of anxiety or threat.

- Why Your Breath is Connected to Your Well-Being

This is an awesome little article on breathing and well-being, focusing mainly on the vagus nerve.

You will learn how vagal tone is connected with social situations, how compassion can increase respiratory sinus arrhythmia (a marker of vagal activity), and 4 simple ways to calm your whole body.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

4. Why You Should Start Teaching “Brooklyn” Yoga

One new meditator kept coming to interviews with a chronic lament: ‘The breath is so boring!’

Finally, I asked him if he'd ever heard of Brooklyn yoga? He said no. I told him to close his mouth tight and close off both nostrils with his fingers. We sat that way for some time until finally he let go of his nose and gasped for air.

‘Was that breath boring?’, I said.

- Larry Rosenberg, Breath by Breath

I must have listened to this story about 10 times in a row and laughed more with each one. It brilliantly captures the importance of breathing—no science or technical jargon needed.

So if anyone tells you breathing is boring, doesn’t work, or is pseudo-science, teach them a little “Brooklyn” yoga—you might just change their mind : )


P.S. When I ran in and told my wife the story (yes, I was excited, lol), she didn’t get the “Brooklyn” part. Neither do I, but I think that’s the point : )

Related: Is Breathing Woo-Woo? (Thought #4)



1 Quote

“If one wants longevity, one should let the spirit and the breath pour into each other.”

–Tao Tsang

Translation from The Primordial Breath



1 Answer

Category: Vagus Nerve Function

Answer: Activation of the vagus nerve releases this chemical, which stimulates muscle contractions in the parasympathetic nervous system and slows the heart rate.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is acetylcholine?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. No I don’t “meditate”


Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


The Best Way to Begin Slow Breathing


“The secret of making progress is to get started. The secret to starting is to divide your complex, overwhelming task into small, manageable tasks, and then start the first.” - Mark Twain


Slow breathing has many benefits. For example, it improves cardiovascular and autonomic functioning. However, as we mentioned last week, you can quickly get “lost in the crabgrass of details” if you’re not careful, which is basically what I do every day :)

For instance, there are several ways to breathe slowly. You can use equal inhales and exhales, extended exhales for more relaxation, or you can include ujjayi breathing if you’re a trained yogi.

The study I’m sharing this week examined some of these nuances to determine which is best for beginners.

Cardiovascular and Respiratory Effect of Yogic Slow Breathing in the Yoga Beginner: What Is the Best Approach?

(Click Here to Read Full Summary)

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013

The study had seventeen non-yoga practitioners perform several different breathing protocols:

  • Spontaneous breathing

  • Controlled breathing at 15 breaths/min

  • Slow breathing at 6 breaths/min, 5 sec inhale, 5 sec exhale (equal)

  • Slow breathing at 6 breaths/min, 3 sec inhale, 7 sec exhale (extended)

  • The above two slow breathing protocols, but with ujjayi

Measurements of baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), blood pressure, and several respiratory variables were taken during the experiment.

Most Improvements from Slow Breathing without Ujjayi

They found that slow breathing without ujjayi was the most effective at improving cardiovascular and autonomic function (as measured by BRS) and at reducing blood pressure.

However, keep in mind that these were not trained yogis. Therefore, the added effort of ujjayi likely dampened the parasympathetic response. The results would likely be different in a trained ujjayi practitioner.

Getting Started: Breathe at a Ratio That Is Comfortable For You

All of their results revealed that slow breathing with an equal inhale-to-exhale ratio performed best. However, the differences between the balanced and extended exhale techniques were small. Therefore, they concluded that “practitioners can engage in a ratio that is personally comfortable and achieve the same BRS benefit.

For us, the take-home message is that slow breathing at a rate of 6 breaths/min improves cardiovascular and autonomic function. The best way to begin is to choose a ratio that is comfortable for you.

I suggest that you start with a 4 second inhale and a 6 second exhale and see how it feels. Begin with a five-minute session first thing in the morning and build up from there to reach three 5-minute sessions a day.

In good breath,

P.S. Me. Also me.