100 miles

Breath Walking with Gandhi


Today marks one year since I walked 100 miles for breathing and chronic disease. In that spirit, this week’s newsletter celebrates breathing and walking. Enjoy!




1. An Update on "Walking 100 Miles: How Chronic Disease Makes Us Stronger"

Here is a re-share of the blog I wrote a few months after completing the walk:

Walking 100 Miles: A Story of How Chronic Disease Makes Us Stronger

Reading it now, I would change the "Healthy Paradox" section. At the time, I felt quite conflicted that I had become unhealthy on my mission to promote being healthy. In hindsight, that shouldn't have been the case.

Undoubtedly, I was the most unhealthy I had been in a long time. But, I was training for a very difficult challenge. Hard things don’t come easy. Without my daily breathing practice, who knows how much worse I would have been.

I had forgotten that sometimes health is what you don’t see [#2].

2. The Surprising Trick This Breathing Expert Uses To Stop A Panic Attack

"So when Bentley tells you to take in quick, shallow inhales, it's understandable you may raise a brow….'Doing it intentionally and in a relaxed manner and setting can actually help open up the lungs,' Bentley adds, 'so that when one does try to breathe in fully, it actually relieves that feeling.'"

- Jamie Schneider, mindbodygreen

Tanya Bentley, Ph.D is the CEO of HHPF, the non-profit organization the 100 mile walk was for. In this article, Tanya describes a rather counterintuitive approach to dealing with panic attacks: intentionally hyperventilate.

Whenever I read something that goes against everything I’ve ever learned, I immediately think, "well this just might work." : ) Enjoy the quick read.

3. Breath Walking

"Synchronizing your breathing with the rhythm of your steps in order to walk more while providing less effort…Both energizing and meditative, the Afghan Walk offers a new opportunity to approach walking with a sense of well-being."

- The Afghan walk, the benefits of a regenerating walk

Here’s a unique article about combining breathing and walking through what is known as the Afghan Walk. The goal is to reach around 6-8 breaths per minute, which we know is linked to better cardio-autonomic balance. It’s always nice when practiced methods are validated by new science.

Since learning this technique, I’ve been practicing a modified version (inhale 4 steps, hold 1 step, exhale 6 steps, hold 1 step) a few times a day in my backyard. It’s rather phenomenal. Here’s to more breath walking today.

Thanks to L.M. for sharing the Afghan Walk with me!

4. Getting Healthy vs. Staying Healthy

With high motivation, you can get healthy pretty quickly. In one day, you could clean out your pantry, start a meditation practice, and sign up for a gym.

The real challenge is staying healthy when motivation wanes.

To do this, we must develop and maintain healthy habits. It must become customary to do things that are good for us, even when we don’t feel like it.

Fortunately, there are two simple, scientifically-proven habits you can easily create to get and stay healthy: Walk more, breathe less [see #1].




"Gandhi used to walk for miles every day repeating it to himself until the rhythm of the mantram and his footsteps began to stabilize the rhythm of his breathing, which is closely connected with the rhythm of the mind."

– Eknath Easwaran, Gandhi The Man




Answer: The highest recording of this measurement of oxygen consumption is 96.7 ml·min-1·kg-1.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is VO2max?


The Breathing 411 - Before There Were Harvard Studies


Welcome to another edition of The Breathing 4.1.1.

Below, I do my best to provide you with 4 useful thoughts, 1 insightful quote, and 1 fun answer (like "Jeopardy") related to breathing. Enjoy!




1. Breathing is the Ultimate Self-Improvement Tool

"Never has there been a map, however carefully executed to detail and scale, which carried its owner over even one inch of ground."

- Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman in the World

Action is the cornerstone of all improvement. We can read and learn all we want, but that is only storing potential energy. Action converts that energy into something useful.

Breathing is the most primitive form of taking action. It gives you something you can do, that actually does something. Breathing induces physiological and neurological changes in your state that are truly useful in any real-life situation.

It’s no wonder all ancient traditions focused on the breath. Before the internet, before you could major in positive psychology, before life coaches and Harvard studies, there was the breath. Breathing is the ultimate self-improvement tool.

2. Insomnia Identified as New Risk Factor for Type-2 Diabetes

"Insomnia was identified as a novel risk factor, with people with insomnia being 17% more likely to develop T2D than those without."

- ScienceDaily, 8 Sep 2020

I guess this shouldn’t be surprising, given that even one night of sleep deprivation significantly increases insulin resistance. But is there anything we can do about it? You’ve probably guessed my answer by now : )

Of course, "breathing" isn’t the cure for everything, and it certainly isn’t a magic pill for insomnia. But it might help.

Slow breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, relaxing the body, preparing it for sleep. Once asleep, nose breathing helps you wake up less (see last week’s 411), maintain rhythmic breathing, and ultimately sleep deeper. All of this might help reduce stress hormones and increase insulin sensitivity.

Overall, a simple change to your breathing, compounded over time, might help reduce your risk of type-2 diabetes (or at least help you manage it better), even if only the tiniest little bit.

Thanks to 411 reader R.D. whose interest in breathing and type-2 diabetes inspired this thought.

3. CO2 Tolerance and Chemoreceptor Flexibility

"Today, chemoreceptor flexibility is part of what distinguishes good athletes from great ones. […] All these people have trained their chemoreceptors to withstand extreme fluctuations in carbon dioxide without panic."

James Nestor, Breath, pg. 170

We discuss carbon dioxide tolerance a lot. But I prefer James’ terminology, using chemoreceptor flexibility rather than CO2 tolerance. Flexibility implies variability. It also implies robustness.

Of course, I believe the most critical part of this flexibility is the ability to withstand higher CO2, that is, CO2 tolerance. But let’s not forget about robustness and adaptability. Tension and relaxation. Stretching in both directions, not just one.

4. 100 Miles or 10 Minutes: Which is Harder?

I rucked 100 miles. It took almost thirty-six hours straight.

I’ve never made it 10 minutes "breathing" without getting distracted.




"You can borrow knowledge, but not action."

- James Clear




Answer: The average number of alveoli in your lungs.

(Cue the Jeopardy music.)

Question: What is about 480 million?

In good breath,

P.S. Me Up at Night Worrying


Exercise and Hypoxia Increase Insulin Sensitivity (& 100 Mile Ruck Website)


There are many paradoxes in breathing. For example, breathing less air delivers more oxygen to your cells.

Here is another one. Many diabetic complications (for example, insulin resistance) are rooted in tissue hypoxia. Yet, the deliberate practice of intermittent hypoxia (IH) can improve insulin sensitivity, as shown by the study I’m sharing this week.

Acute hypoxia and exercise improve insulin sensitivity (Si2*) in individuals with type 2 diabetes

(Read the Full Summary)

This research examined four different protocols:

  1. Rest at normal O2 levels for 60 min

  2. Rest in hypoxia for 60 min

  3. Exercise with normal O2 for 60 min

  4. Exercise in hypoxia for 60 min

All participants were type 2 diabetics. Oxygen levels for the hypoxic group were maintained at ~14.6%, and the results showed that the participants’ SpO2 never fell below 88% (well within the therapeutic range).

Here were the main findings:

  • Hypoxic rest increased insulin sensitivity more than rest at normal O2 levels

  • Hypoxic exercise improved insulin sensitivity greater than exercise in normal O2 levels

Together, these results imply that exercise and hypoxia can be added together to improve insulin sensitivity.

However, before jumping in, we must remember that hypoxia does induce stress, and stress hormones increase the body’s production of glucose. Thus, the increased insulin sensitivity could just be the body’s preemptive response to the stress: It knows more sugar is coming, so it primes itself to use it.

We should keep this in mind as we practice intermittent hypoxia: It’s important to find our Goldilocks zone, where we’re experiencing hypoxia, but not inducing too much stress. I recommend starting slowly with walking breath holds. You get the benefits of exercise and hypoxia in a safe, easy-to-perform way.

Try adding 3-5 walking breath holds to your morning routine. They don’t have to be intense, just enough to feel it. And, make sure you can recover normal breathing within 3 breaths after the hold…this ensures you do not push too hard.

Give it a shot, and remember, consistency over intensity.

In good breath,

P.S. Here is the link to the 100 Mile Ruck fundraiser page:


Please share the link with friends and family. And consider walking a mile or two with me virtually. Or, if you can, come out to Gleason Park in Indian Harbor Beach, FL between 8 AM - 10 PM on Feb. 29th to walk in person!


I'm Rucking 100 Miles + Diaphragmatic Breathing Improves HbA1c



I’m Rucking 100 Miles for Chronic Disease

On Leap Day, February 29th, I’m going to ruck 100 miles to raise money for the Health and Human Performance Foundation (HHPF).

If you’ve been following me for a little while, you know I’m a huge fan of their mission. They are an amazing nonprofit raising awareness around the benefits of breathing for chronic disease, stress, and anxiety.

Given the impacts breathing has had on my life, I wanted support their cause. What better way than a ridiculously long walk?

I am wearing a weighted rucksack to symbolize the extra weight we carry around as those living with chronic disease. Yet, despite that weight, we can still accomplish anything. In fact, that weight makes us stronger. I wholeheartedly believe diabetes has made stronger.

We are setting up a donations page on HHPF, which I’ll be sending out separately. If you feel so inspired, donate to help support their great mission. And please support me by telling others, sharing our posts on Instagram, and spreading the word about HHPF.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Now, on to the science.



Last week, we learned that diaphragmatic breathing improved HRV and lowered HbA1c. This week’s research reveals that it also improves antioxidant status in type 2 diabetics.

Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercise as a Therapeutic Intervention for Control of Oxidative Stress in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

(Read the Full Summary)

This is one of the early papers I posted to The Breathing Diabetic. I often go back through important papers to reinforce the ideas and see if I notice new things I missed before.

This one did not disappoint. Just re-reading all of my notes on this one energized me (image below). I’m fascinated with breathing, but sometimes I need a paper like this to remind me how important it is to get this research out.

The Breathing Protocol

One hundred and twenty three type-2 diabetics participated in this study. Sixty were placed in the diaphragmatic breathing group, and 63 served as controls.

The participants were instructed to lie down, place one hand on their chest, one hand on their belly, and breathe deeply and slowly, only allowing the hand on their belly to move.

This protocol is almost identical to the Oxygen Advantage “Breathe Light Advanced” exercise.

They were asked to perform this procedure for 15-20 minutes, twice a day, for 3 months.

Breathing Improves Oxidative Stress and HbA1c

At the end of the 3 months, participants in the breathing group had significantly lowered their oxidative stress by increasing antioxidant levels.

Additionally, they decreased their HbA1c by 3%. Now, this isn’t 3% as in dropping from 9% down to 6% (like last week’s study). This was 3% of their original value. Not quite as significant, but still encouraging. And, remember the study from last week didn’t see major improvements in HbA1c until the 12 month follow-up.

In short, diaphragmatic breathing led to:

  • Decreased oxidative stress

  • Better blood sugars

In good breath,

P.S. Here’s the first page of my notes on this article. I was clearly excited the first time I read it too.
