reduce stress

Why 6 Breaths/Minute Improves Heart Health & Quality of Life in Diabetes

Slow breathing is a highly effective yet overlooked therapy for diabetes.


It profoundly changed my life with diabetes, leading me to spend the past 5 years trying to understand it and share it with others.


I’ve found that it’s not going to fix everything (of course).  It may not even impact your blood sugars.  But, without question, two things it will do are improve your heart health and your quality of life.


And it’s available anytime, anywhere (no pre-authorization required). 


I think it’s a no-brainer for better health, and I hope this article inspires you to give it a try.



What is Slow Breathing? (and why was 6 breaths/minute in the title?)


Slow breathing is broadly defined as breathing at a rate of less than 10 breaths per minute.  More specifically, it usually refers to breathing at a rate of about 4.5 to 7 breaths per minute.


And even more specifically, almost every study on slow breathing and diabetes has used 6 breaths per minute.  And they’ve found some pretty remarkable things.


But before we get to that, let’s take a quick look at the breath-heart connection.



Understanding the Breath-Heart Connection: Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia and Heart Rate Variability


When we inhale, our heart rate increases.  When we exhale, it decreases (if you’d like more details, here’s a blog I wrote for ResBiotic that explains it fully).  This is known as respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA).


RSA is one of the underlying principles of heart rate variability (HRV).  Generally speaking, HRV is the beat-to-beat time variability of heart rate.  Research shows that higher HRV indicates a more balanced nervous system and better cardiovascular health.  For these reasons, higher HRV is associated with a better quality of life.


And it turns out that people with diabetes typically have worse HRV than non-diabetics.  (A negative side-effect of researching diabetes is that it reminds me of everything it adversely affects.  However, it’s also encouraging to find simple tools like breathing that can help (not fix) some of the problems).



HRV is Reduced in Diabetes


A 2018 meta-analysis found that patients with type-2 diabetes had significantly lower HRV than those without it.  Diabetics with chronic complications have even lower HRV


The lower HRV observed in people with diabetes is likely related to many negative aspects of the disease, such as chronic stress, inflammation, and increased oxidative stress. 


Perhaps unsurprisingly, low HRV is associated with adverse outcomes in diabetes.  For example, people with diabetes and low HRV are at increased risk of coronary heart disease.  Moreover, low HRV is an early marker of cardiac autonomic neuropathy, which can lead to heart disease, the number one cause of mortality in people with diabetes.


Sounds depressing, right?



Enter the Heart-Boosting Power of Slow Breathing

When we breathe slowly at around 6 breaths per minute, we synchronize signals coming from our cardiovascular, respiratory, and autonomic nervous systems. 

When we breathe slowly at around 6 breaths per minute, we synchronize signals coming from our cardiovascular, respiratory, and autonomic nervous systems. 


To get a little more technical, we have baroreceptors monitoring blood pressure. They sense the changes in heart rate that accompany each breath.  Then, they send their own signals to the heart. 


For example, as blood pressure rises, they tell the heart to slow down.  And as blood pressure falls, they tell the heart to speed up.


Here’s the issue: there’s about a 5-second lag for signals.  Thus, they end up getting mingled together with the signals from the breath.  One may be trying to increase heart rate while the other is trying to slow it down.


But when we breathe at about 6 breaths per minute, we synchronize these messages.  (To breathe at 6 breaths per minute, we need about a 5-second inhale and 5-second exhale (or 4/6 also works). This matches the time lag from the baroreceptors.)


When the signals get synchronized, great things happen.  Each breath amplifies heart rate oscillations, leading to greater HRV.  This also balances the nervous system, making us calm and relaxed.  If we do this regularly, it can significantly improve our quality of life.


Let’s break these down into a little more detail and look at 4 positive outcomes we get from slow breathing.



The 4 Key Benefits of Heart-Breath Synchronization for Diabetes


1. Improved Heart Rate Variability


This is the most potent effect.  As mentioned, when we breathe slowly, we amplify the heart rate oscillations occurring with each breath.  This increases HRV, a critical problem in diabetes.


One study published in Nature found that just 2 minutes of slow breathing at 6 breaths/min could bring the HRV of type-1 diabetics to levels of non-diabetic controls.  (Side note: this was the paper that convinced me to start sharing this information.  Nature is one of the most prestigious journals in the world.  If they’re talking about slow breathing and diabetes, I realized my results weren’t so crazy after all.)


A long-term study of people with type 2 diabetes and ischemic heart disease found that one year of slow diaphragmatic breathing significantly increased HRV, and this wasn’t even at precisely 6 breaths per minute. Just slowing down the breath was enough to boost HRV.


And better HRV means better cardiovascular health and a longer life.


It also means more resiliency to diabetic stressors, but I’ll save that for another blog post.

And better HRV means better cardiovascular health and a longer life.


2. Efficiency and Blood Flow


When bodily messages come into harmony, it creates efficiency.  Efficiency means your body doesn’t have to work as hard to complete its normal processes.


This efficiency also improves blood flow, a fundamental problem in diabetes.  For example, the same 2-minute study mentioned above found that slow breathing also improved arterial function.  Better arteries, more blood flow, and less chance of complications.



3. Reduced Blood Pressure


Slow breathing has consistently been shown to lower blood pressure.  A 2019 meta-analysis found an average systolic blood pressure reduction of about 5 points from slow breathing for about 20 minutes daily.


The blood pressure-reducing effects of slow breathing have also been shown in diabetes.  In a study of 65 type-2 diabetics with hypertension, slow breathing significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure.


These results are significant because Johns Hopkins Medical Center reports that people with diabetes are twice as likely to develop hypertension.  It’s also estimated that anywhere from 40 to 80% of diabetics have hypertension.  Moreover, a person with diabetes and hypertension is four times more likely to develop heart disease.  For these reasons, preventing and treating hypertension is a chief concern in people with diabetes.


Slow breathing provides one complementary therapy for doing just that.



4. Less Stress & Anxiety


And lastly, we can’t discuss heart problems without discussing stress.  We know when we’re stressed, we have chronic activation of the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) nervous system.  This raises heart rate and blood pressure, adding extra strain on our hearts.


Fortunately, slow breathing is one of the fastest and most effective ways to alleviate stress. You’ve probably been told at some point in your life to “just take a deep breath.”  It turns out there’s some solid science for this statement.


Slowing down the breath, especially with a longer exhalation, increases activity in the parasympathetic nervous system (rest-and-digest), reducing stress and increasing relaxation. Slow breathing also reduces activity in the amygdala (often referred to as the “fear center”), which also helps reduce stress.



Slow Breathing is a Superpower for Your Heart


To recap, slow breathing at about 6 breaths per minute is excellent for our hearts, especially if you have diabetes.


It harmonizes messages being sent from the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems.  This leads to a ton of benefits, but here are 4 critical ones for diabetic heart health:


  • Improved heart rate variability

  • Increased efficiency and blood flow

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Less stress and anxiety


For these reasons, the paper published in Nature concluded:

Slow breathing could be a simple beneficial intervention in diabetes.
— Nature Scientific Reports


Simple and beneficial, indeed.



Start Improving Your Heart Health Today


I hope this article motivates you to start a slow breathing practice.

But, if you’d like some more help, you can check out the Breathing for Diabetes Online Course, which covers everything you need to get started.

I hope you’ll check it out, and if you have any questions about slow breathing in general, please email me at nick@thebreathingdiabetic.  I always respond within 5 days (but usually ~2).

Breathing for Diabetes Online workshop

This may be your key to a healthy, more fulfilling life with diabetes.


Top 5 Daily Breaths, a Guide to Wim Hof, and Coherence Fuels Purpose


🎧 Listen Instead of Reading 🎧

If you enjoy listening, you can subscribe to the audio version on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Audible so you don’t even have to look at the email 😊


4 Thoughts

1. Wim Hof & Diabetes: A Complete Guide to the Benefits and 5 Real Dangers

This is a complex topic I get a lot of questions about. I made a 40-min class on it, but attempted to put the most critical information into this free post:

You can read it here.

It’s pretty long, but I hope it’s thorough and genuinely helpful, especially if you have diabetes or are a WHM coach. 🙏

2. Word Etymology and Why We Can All Do Asanas, Yogi or Not

The word asana is made up of two parts: as ‘to sit’ and ana, ‘breath.’ To do an asana is to literally sit with your breath, or to sit in a special way and breathe.

- Eddie Stern, One Simple Thing

This is awesome word etymology (thanks, Eddie). And, it’s an excellent reminder that sometimes abstract words are straightforward to implement.

So, I say we all channel our inner yogi and do some more asanas, today 🧘‍♂️

3. Why Coherence Fuels Purpose: Finding Internal & External Safety for Growth

The need for coherence is the form of meaning that is most strongly tied to the need for safety. Does my immediate environment make sense? Is there any predictability and comprehensibility in my life? Coherence is necessary to even get a chance to pursue one’s larger purpose or pursue various ways that one can matter in this world.

- Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D., Transcend

Researchers tell us to “pursue one’s larger purpose,” we need external coherence with our environment, which allows us to feel safe.

Conversely, we know that slow breathing (~5-6 breaths/min) provides internal coherence—a predictability in our nervous system that makes us feel safe.

And in my opinion, this second type is even more potent because it’s always available, and our inner state determines how we relate to our external world.

So let’s breathe slowly, find some internal coherence (and maybe even external, too), and use this feeling of safety to pursue our bigger purpose.


Related Quote:The unseen design of things is more harmonious than the seen.” - Heraclitus

4. Two Small Thoughts on Breath and Presence

  • Physically, wherever you find your breath, you find yourself.

  • Spiritually, whenever you find your breath, you find your self.

Extra Thought: Top 5 Breathing Exercises to Practice Daily (and the Best Times to Do Them)

I wrote another guest blog for ResBiotic. I hope this one is super practical and can help you or someone you know get started with breathing. Enjoy!

Top 5 Breathing Exercises to Practice Daily (And the Best Times to Do Them)


This illustrates the most empowering point of all. The key to our own experience lies within our bodies all the time.
— The Tibetan Yoga of Breath


Category: The Lungs

Answer: The alveoli have a mixture of lipids and proteins called this, which prevent them from collapsing during low lung volume.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is surfactant?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. thanks for buying this gum

Available Now:


If you like geeking out on breathing, or just want to live an overall healthier life, I’m confident you’ll love the workshop (diabetes or not).

By the end of the workshop, you’ll have:

  • The ideal breathing rate for you.

  • A daily practice plan designed around human behavior science rather than discipline and “motivation.”

  • A tool to reduce stress and calm your nervous system anytime, any place.

Plus, you get:

  • A 40-min Wim Hof and Diabetes Mini Masterclass.

    • If you’re interested in the WHM, I think you’ll find a lot of information in here you’ve probably never seen before—like why you should only practice it in the morning and why you don’t have to hold your breath to get the same results.

  • A PDF of 100 inspiring breathing quotes.

  • A Breath Matching worksheet to grow your practice.

  • A simple 10-day plan for implementing what you learn.

And if you don't like it, it’s 100% refundable, so you have nothing to lose.


* An asterisk by a quote indicates that I listened to this book on Audible. Therefore, the quotation might not be correct, but is my best attempt at reproducing the punctuation based on the narrator’s pace, tone, and pauses.

Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


Nose versus Mouth, 800000 and 73 days, and Our Best Weapon for Stress


🎧 Listen Instead of Reading 🎧

If you enjoy listening, you can subscribe to the audio version on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Audible so you don’t even have to look at the email 😊


4 Thoughts

1. A Simple Quip for Nose versus Mouth

Most of the time:

  • The nose is part of the respiratory system.

  • The mouth is part of the digestive system.

2. The True Power of the Breath: 800,000 and 73 Days

With eight hundred thousand new medical articles being published every year, by 2020 medical knowledge is estimated to double every seventy-three days.

Michael J Stephen, Breath Taking

Those numbers are insane. It’s basically impossible to keep up with science.

Fortunately, though, we know breathing (and sleep, exercise, meditation, etc.) has been used for millennia to improve mental and physical health.

Maybe we don’t know all the science, but that’s ok. We can just try it out, find what works for us, and enjoy the timeless (and timely) wisdom of the breath.

3. Two Steps to Get the Most of Your Breathwork

In The Art of Possibility, they have two steps for their practice of “giving way to passion.” I think they apply perfectly to breathing (or basketball, yoga, etc.):

1. The first step is to notice where you are holding back, and let go. Release those barriers of self that keep you separate and in control, and let the vital energy of passion surge through you, connecting you to all beyond.

2. The second step is to participate wholly. Allow yourself to be a channel to shape the stream of passion into a new expression for the world.

They sound a little idealistic and new-age, but that’s the point : )

4. Our Greatest Weapon Against Stress

Our greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one breath over another.


P.S. This is a play on a William James quote I saw on Insight Timer: “The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.


“Clarity comes from engagement, not thought.”
— Marie Forleo


Category: Stress and Health

Answer: Counterintuitively, this (also referred to as “nature’s fundamental survival mechanism”) can be therapeutically harnessed to boost immune function.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What is short-term psychophysiological stress?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. same girl

Now Available:


If you enjoy my work, or just like geeking out on breathing, I’m confident you’ll love the workshop (diabetes or not).

It’s packed with practical and helpful information, including:

  • 11 bite-sized key concepts on all things breathing

  • A 40-min Wim Hof and Diabetes Mini Masterclass (if you’re interested in WHM, I think you’ll find a lot of information in here you’ve probably never seen before, unrelated to diabetes)

  • A PDF of 100 inspiring breathing quotes

  • A Breath Matching worksheet to grow your practice

  • A simple plan for implementing what you learn (that actually works)

And if you don't like it, it’s 100% refundable, so you have nothing to lose.

P.S. If you purchased the live workshop back in March, you’ll see the updated presentations when you log in now.


* An asterisk by a quote indicates that I listened to this book on Audible. Therefore, the quotation might not be correct, but is my best attempt at reproducing the punctuation based on the narrator’s pace, tone, and pauses.

Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.


Life Force in Action, 3 Studies, and the Power of Mind-Wandering


🎧 Listen Instead of Reading 🎧

If you enjoy listening, you can subscribe to the audio version on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Audible so you don’t even have to look at the email 😊


4 Thoughts

1. A Tiny Thought on the Power of the Breath

In any situation:

  • If we control our breath, we control our environment.

  • If we do not, our environment controls us.

2. How Deep Breathing Reduces Stress According to 3 Studies

Diaphragmatic breathing has the potential to offer a readily available and inexpensive treatment to help manage stress on a daily basis.

- Hopper et al. (2019)

This systematic review of 3 studies found that slow diaphragmatic breathing reduces the following markers of stress:

  • Blood pressure

  • Salivary cortisol

  • DASS-21 scores
    (a questionnaire on anxiety and stress)

Although the studies were not “top tier” (few are in breathing), these results are still powerful given stress’s negative impact on basically everything.

Breathe slowly, reduce stress, and live better.

3. Mind-Wandering is a Hidden Superpower (and how to do it correctly)

In fact, when you look back over the history of science and engineering, many great breakthroughs don’t happen during periods of focus—they happen during mind-wandering.

- Johann Hari, Stolen Focus

As someone who spends so much time focusing and reading, I found Hari’s section on mind-wandering life-changing. It is a genuine superpower.

And it’s simple enough. Just take time to do nothing—no phone, no books, no goals—and let your brain do what it does best: connect and form novel ideas.

However, there is one critical tip to remember: “In situations of low stress and safety, mind-wandering will be a gift, a pleasure, a creative force. In situations of high stress or danger, mind-wandering will be a torment.

So, if you’re going to set aside time for mind-wandering, do it when you feel safe and calm…like after a slow breathing practice…😊

4. Life Force in Action

There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action…

- Martha Graham

And that action is breathing.

Breathing is life force translated through you into action.


P.S. I know I’m taking the quote out of context…it’s what I do best : )


“In the beginning was the voice. Voice is sounding breath, the audible sign of life.”

- Otto Jespersen (from Breath Taking)


Category: Sound and Breath

Answer: To generate sound, these vibrate rapidly from between 110 to 300 cycles per second in most people.

(Cue the Jeopardy! music.)

Question: What are the vocal cords?

In good breath,

Nick Heath, T1D, PhD
“Breathing is the compound interest of health & wellness.”

P.S. so bystanders don’t hear you fighting


* An asterisk by a quote indicates that I listened to this book on Audible. Therefore, the quotation might not be correct, but is my best attempt at reproducing the punctuation based on the narrator’s pace, tone, and pauses.

Sign Up For The Breathing 411

Each Monday, I curate and synthesize information from scientific journals, books, articles, and podcasts to share 4 thoughts, 1 quote, and 1 answer (like "Jeopardy!") related to breathing. It’s a fun way to learn something new each week.