brain blood flow

Only Breathing Principles Endure


The first time I heard that quote, I thought of Wim Hof. Although Wim’s charisma is what sets his method apart from others, the principles he teaches are timeless.

For example, in the classic book Science of Breath, the following advice is given to avoid catching a cold:

When chilled, breathe vigorously for a few minutes, and you will feel a glow all over your body. [1]

How about the Oxygen Advantage? Well, that originated with the Buteyko Method. And long before Buteyko, yogis were training themselves to “bottle up” as much CO2 as possible (my bold).

He had learned much about the basics of the transparent gas in medical school and quickly realized that yogic rituals worked to bottle it [CO2] up inside the body. The main technique of manipulation was pranayama… [2]

It is often said that history repeats itself. Breathing techniques are no exception. People relearn the same principles and add their own unique take on it. But the the principles remain.

That’s why for health and wellness, I focus on principles, not techniques. And from thousands of years of practice, and hundreds of years of research, the key principles are:

  1. Breathe Through Your Nose (24/7) - Unless you’re an elite athlete, you should be breathing through your nose all the time. This is especially true during sleep.

  2. Breathe Slowly - Almost every technique (and scientific study) has focused on breathing slowly, usually in the range of 4-6 breaths/min. Use any method you’d like to achieve this rate (equal inhale/exhale, extended exhale, box breathing, etc.).

  3. Hold Your Breath - Breath holds have amazing benefits, doing everything from improving immune function to increasing blood flow to the brain.

I’ve jumped on almost every breathing bandwagon there is. And every time, I discover that there is no “cure all.” There are only principles. And when they are practiced with patience, persistence, and diligence, the true magic begins.

In good breath,

[1] Science of Breath

[2] The Science of Yoga

Increase brain blood flow by 20%

Hi everyone,

Over the last month, we’ve learned several important aspects of intermittent hypoxia (IH). For example, IH increases immune function and the production and storage of nitric oxide.

Although we’ve only scratched the surface on IH, I want to wrap up the discussion (for now) with one of my favorites benefits: Increased brain blood flow.

Intermittent hypoxia increases brain blood flow by 20%

(Published in 2017 in Hypoxia. To read the full summary, Click Here)

The participants in this study inhaled air with 10% oxygen for 6 min to induce hypoxia. Then, they breathed normal room air for 4 min. This cycle was repeated 5 times.

Measurements were recorded during the first and fifth bouts of hypoxia:

They found that intermittent hypoxia increased brain blood flow by 20%(!)

Fractional oxygen extraction in the brain also increased significantly. Pretty remarkable.

How to use these findings in your life

Statistical analysis revealed that major increases in brain blood flow occurred when blood oxygen saturation dropped to ~86%.  We can achieve this (with practice) using breath holds. 

I recommend performing 3-5 breath holds, with a 1-min recovery between each one, approximately 10-30 minutes before a workout, competition, or presentation. The increased brain blood flow will help focus your mind and prepare you for what’s ahead.

In good breath,

P.S. Breath holds can be dangerous. Take a look at Principle 3 before getting started.

P.P.S. The ~86% finding won’t be universal. Sometimes I barely drop my O2 below 95% and still feel major enhancements in my focus and concentration. In my experience, simply performing a few cycles of mild-to-moderate breath holds is all that is needed to feel the benefits.