A Quick Rant on HRVB vs. Slow Breathing

The true breathing nerds among you will argue that HRVB is not technically the same as just “slow breathing.” And, of course, you’re right. But, there’s a lot of nuance to HRVB.

For example, which marker is “best?” RMSSD? LF Power? Max-Min HR difference? What if one rate maximizes LF, but another maximizes RMSSD, and another increases Max-Min difference? (This was actually the case for me.)

And what if you determined your ideal resonant rate based on 5-min of feedback instead of just 2-min? What about 15 min? Moreover, could your ideal breathing rate vary slightly based on sleep, food, exercise, etc.? No studies address these factors.

But, what most studies do find is that slow breathing at around 6 breaths per minute (the range is generally 4-7) is enough to get most of the benefits.

So, I say we don’t overcomplicate things with expensive equipment. Instead, let’s just use slow breathing at a rate around 4-7 breaths per minute (based on a person’s subjective rating of what makes them most relaxed and comfortable) to make it more accessible to everyone.